About Our Shirts

Our Story

The story of ASTROPUNK started under the full moon on a crisp fall evening in 2018. 

Our founder, Candace, is a Reiki Master and has been practicing and studying various forms of energy work within the metaphysical since she was a child. Like many of you reading this, charging crystals during the full moon is a part of her monthly ritual. But on this particular night, as she set out into the woods with her magical bag and two little dogs, it was a very different evening. 

They shortly arrived at a clearing where she had set up a small wooden basin filled with water earlier that day and laid down a blanket for all of them to sit. She took out a few shirts for close friends and herself and placed them in the basin with various crystals aligned with specific intentions and the zodiac. Candles were lit, positive affirmations were said, and music was played. She charged the shirts with Reiki, left them there throughout the night for the moon to do the rest, and ASTROPUNK was born.

About Our Shirts

ASTROPUNK shirts are wearable magic that let people experience the power of the full moon, crystals, and positive Reiki energy with them wherever they go, not just during magical practices. 

When the moon is full, it is at its most powerful energetic state, which heightens psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. This is an excellent time for spellwork, charging crystals, setting intentions, and releasing anything that no longer serves you. When placed under a full moon, crystals absorb the heightened divine energy of the moon and infuse this energy into each shirt. Performed by our founder and Reiki Master, the healing practice of Reiki channels the universal life force energy into the shirts, which amplifies both the crystals’ and the wearer’s positive vibrations.

Our shirts act as catalysts to spark the magic that lives within you. Every wearer will experience their shirt differently, depending on where their zodiac falls within their chart and when the shirts were charged. Connections and personal preferences to the different crystals used in each shirt will also play a role in how you connect to the energy of the shirt. ASTROPUNK shirts heighten your positive vibrations and enhance your ability to live a more magical life.

ASTROPUNK is entirely woman owned and operated. We take special care to ensure that every product is both sustainably and ethically made to the highest standards.